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Common Questions About Coaching and Consulting

Even though different kinds of coaches are common these days, if you haven't worked with a coach or explored the possibility, you might not be clear on what coaching is and is not.
Coaching vs Consulting

What Is The Difference Between Coaching and Consulting?

Although they may be blended in practice, they are not the same.

Coaching is a guided process of self-discovery through skilled questioning. Consulting ranges from done-for-you solutions to what we do: collaborative problem-solving.
Business Coaching vs Life Coaching

What Is The Difference Between A Business Coach And A Life Coach?

A business coach may include some life coaching, but a life coach will not usually include business coaching. Business Coaches help business owners grow and improve their businesses, which may include their activities outside the business.

Life Coaches usually work with their clients to improve the areas of their life outside their work life. Career Coaches help professionals design and navigate an intentional career path.
Time For A Coach

How Do I Know When I Need A Coach?

If you feel stuck in any way, a coach could help now. If you're feeling desperate, you knew when that feeling started. It's never too late to get fresh eyes on a problem.

Coaching is one of the tools that successful people use to get more successful. Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, had a coach for most of his time there.
Coaching vs Mentoring

What Is The Difference Between Coaching And Mentoring?

Mentorship usually involves an expert in a particular field or skillset giving advice, guidance, and encouragement to someone with much less experience.

Coaches do not need to be an expert in the clients field. They work with the knowledge and resources available to the client.
Coaching vs Mentoring

What Is The Difference Between Coaching And Training?

Training usually involves more demonstration and explanation in the process of knowledge transfer, plus skills practice for the learner. Our private coaching involves some experiential skills training, so there is a small training component.

Most of our coaching involves us asking questions as we guide our client through a process of self-discovery.
Coaching vs Mentoring

What Is The Difference Between Coaching And Therapy?

They are very different and should not be blended or confused with one another. Therapy falls into the medically necessary category and requires a licensed professional.

Coaching is primarily focused on moving forward toward one or more desired results and how to get there. It is about improving performance. Therapy is more focused on dealing with some past or current trauma.
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