This episode of ‘Celebrating Small Family Businesses’ features Chris and Ed Farrell of Alternative Transportation Systems in Arlington, Massachusetts, providing an in-depth look into their journey and success as a multi-generational family business.
2024 marks the 20th anniversary of their transportation business, which Chris has helped grow from a driver to his current role as general manager.
From its origins in the 1940s in the heating oil sector to its expansion into auto repair, retail, and transportation, the Farrells detail the evolution of their business, emphasizing the importance of leveraging individual family members’ strengths and mixing business savvy with passion.
Chris shares his experience starting as a driver and working up to general manager, underscoring the value of understanding every aspect of the business.
The Farrells also delve into the challenges and adaptations required during the pandemic, highlighting their commitment to safe and quality transport services.
The discussion covers the uniqueness of a family-run business, the significance of internal culture, and the balance between professional growth and maintaining core values.
The episode is a testament to the resilience, innovation, and familial solidarity that have defined Alternative Transportation Systems for decades.
Learn more or schedule a ride on their website at
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00:00 Welcome to Celebrating Small Family Businesses!
00:32 The Origins and Evolution of a Family Business
01:53 Diving Deep into the Transportation Business
02:15 Chris’s Journey from Driver to General Manager
04:41 Unique Aspects of the Business Model
08:43 Embracing Technology and Enhancing Human Interaction
10:40 The Importance of Training and Safety Measures
11:16 Mission and Culture: The Heart of the Business
16:10 Challenges and Triumphs: Navigating the Pandemic
24:12 Learning and Growing in a Family Business
30:01 Community Engagement and Networking
31:41 Expanding Reach and Accessibility
36:05 A Heartfelt Conclusion and Future Outlook
John and Connie: Hi and welcome
Speaker:to another episode of Celebrating
Speaker:Small Family Businesses.
Speaker:Today we are celebrating Alternative
Speaker:Transportation Systems in
Speaker:Arlington, Massachusetts and we
Speaker:have with us Chris and Ed Farrell.
Speaker:Hi Chris.
Speaker:Hi Ed.
Chris Farrell:Hello,
Chris Farrell:Hey, how are you doing?
Chris Farrell:Nice to meet you.
Chris Farrell:Thanks for having us on.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: It's a pleasure.
Chris Farrell:It's a pleasure.
Chris Farrell:I had the pleasure of speaking to Chris
Chris Farrell:a little bit before and learn a little
Chris Farrell:bit about the company and I'm looking.
Chris Farrell:I'm excited to hear more and to share
Chris Farrell:that your story with our our listeners.
Chris Farrell:So I recall that you said
Chris Farrell:that this was a multi general.
Chris Farrell:Your website says it's a multi
Chris Farrell:generation family business.
Chris Farrell:I think you said it
Chris Farrell:started like in the 1930s.
Chris Farrell:Ed, you don't look old enough
Chris Farrell:to have been the
Ed Farrell:It started
Ed Farrell:basically, , here in Arlington,
Ed Farrell:there was different, different
Ed Farrell:businesses, , same piece of land.
Ed Farrell:Um, my grandfather started in the forties
Ed Farrell:was in the heating oil business , and
Ed Farrell:then as it could, as that business grew,
Ed Farrell:we morphed into different businesses.
Ed Farrell:Um, Kind of developed things for
Ed Farrell:different family members to get into
Ed Farrell:that they were interested in that You
Ed Farrell:know keep everybody kind of separated
Ed Farrell:but still in the family business.
Ed Farrell:We have the transportation business.
Ed Farrell:We have a retail store
Ed Farrell:that sells barbecue stuff.
Ed Farrell:There's a lot of different things that
Ed Farrell:our family has gotten into over the years.
Ed Farrell:You know different people run
Ed Farrell:different things different talents.
Ed Farrell:Um, let's say And that's
Ed Farrell:how we that's how we run.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Nice.
Ed Farrell:Well, that's, that's one of the things
Ed Farrell:that, you know, we, we encourage
Ed Farrell:family businesses to, to focus on is
Ed Farrell:immediately finding their strengths,
Ed Farrell:you know, and, and where their, where
Ed Farrell:their talents and their strengths lie,
Ed Farrell:and then let, put the right people
Ed Farrell:in the right seats, you know, get
Ed Farrell:everybody working with their strengths.
Ed Farrell:And
Ed Farrell:that's where people
Ed Farrell:seem to be the happiest.
Ed Farrell:So it sounds like you guys did that
Ed Farrell:just naturally from the beginning.
Ed Farrell:Yeah, right
Ed Farrell:from the beginning.
Ed Farrell:And we've started the
Ed Farrell:transportation business.
Ed Farrell:It's the newest of the businesses.
Ed Farrell:This is our 20th year.
Ed Farrell:You blink and it's 20 years, that's it.
Ed Farrell:That's a new business to us.
Ed Farrell:It's grown quite a bit from its inception.
Ed Farrell:We've been fortunate enough to, uh, Well,
Ed Farrell:Chris has entered the business, is really
Ed Farrell:enjoying it and taken to it very well.
Ed Farrell:So , it's with his help,
Ed Farrell:we've, we've made it grow.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Chris, I think
Ed Farrell:I remember you said you came in
Ed Farrell:and basically started at the bottom
Ed Farrell:and worked your way up, uh, maybe
Ed Farrell:starting in dispatching, was it?
Chris Farrell:That would
Chris Farrell:have been nice dispatching.
Chris Farrell:No, um, I actually came into
Chris Farrell:it right out of college.
Chris Farrell:I began as a driver on the road.
Chris Farrell:So, you know, interacting with our
Chris Farrell:clients, um, visiting the various
Chris Farrell:facilities , kind of identifying.
Chris Farrell:pain points.
Chris Farrell:And I was a new grad and, you know,
Chris Farrell:just kind of exploring options
Chris Farrell:being a criminal justice major.
Chris Farrell:And, you know, a lot of the folks that
Chris Farrell:we transport, I saw an opportunity
Chris Farrell:to provide that valuable and quality
Chris Farrell:transport, um, day to day from driving
Chris Farrell:and kind of leaned into it at that point.
Chris Farrell:And throughout the years went from
Chris Farrell:driving to dispatching, scheduling, And
Chris Farrell:so, uh, my current position now is a
Chris Farrell:general manager and I think that, you
Chris Farrell:know, having those interactions along
Chris Farrell:the way, um, makes both your leadership
Chris Farrell:relatable and credible when, you know,
Chris Farrell:working and leading your employees.
Chris Farrell:They know that you've been out there
Chris Farrell:and touched the things that they've
Chris Farrell:touched and seen what they've seen.
Chris Farrell:And I think that carries a lot of weight,
Chris Farrell:um, and provides, you know, value to
Chris Farrell:the employees and continued value to
Chris Farrell:the, to the clients and the passengers.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Totally.
Chris Farrell:Totally..
Chris Farrell:You just reminded me of something,
Chris Farrell:you know, my father said many,
Chris Farrell:many years ago was, you know, never
Chris Farrell:ask somebody to do something you
Chris Farrell:aren't willing to do yourself.
Chris Farrell:So, you know, starting as a driver
Chris Farrell:there with the contact, yeah, that
Chris Farrell:gives you not only credibility, but a
Chris Farrell:lot of information, a lot of experience
Chris Farrell:that you can bring, you know, then
Chris Farrell:to the, uh, to the later stages.
Chris Farrell:You ever go out and drive,
Chris Farrell:drive a route once in a while
Chris Farrell:now just to keep your hand in?
Chris Farrell:Absolutely.
Chris Farrell:Absolutely.
Chris Farrell:On busy days, I'll, you know, head into
Chris Farrell:Boston and do one of the shuttle routes
Chris Farrell:and, you know, wear the driver uniform
Chris Farrell:and kind of blend right in and, you know,
Chris Farrell:the people who work here are shocked to
Chris Farrell:see me out there, but I think that's,
Chris Farrell:you know, holds value and to be able to
Chris Farrell:keep your finger on the heartbeat of the
Chris Farrell:business and hear the things that the
Chris Farrell:passengers are hearing on the shuttle
Chris Farrell:or the chair car is, um, is important.
Chris Farrell:Kind of invaluable information and
Chris Farrell:it carries a lot of, uh, value to
Chris Farrell:the company to get that feedback
Chris Farrell:directly from the passengers.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Yeah, sort of your own
Chris Farrell:little version of undercover boss there.
Chris Farrell:I like that.
Chris Farrell:It is, it is.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: How did the
Chris Farrell:transportation business come out
Chris Farrell:of the, of the other businesses?
Chris Farrell:Was it a natural outgrowth or, or
Chris Farrell:was it just, "Hey, we see an the
Chris Farrell:opportunity, we're going to try this"?
Ed Farrell:Well, transportation,
Ed Farrell:originates always from
Ed Farrell:the vehicles, correct?
Ed Farrell:And we do have an automotive
Ed Farrell:repair shop that we own, , that
Ed Farrell:maintains the vehicles.
Ed Farrell:And we're, um, Chris and
Ed Farrell:I are both vehicle people.
Ed Farrell:We love cars, we love trucks.
Ed Farrell:We're into vehicles, , and if it moves
Ed Farrell:we, , we have our finger on it and, um,
Ed Farrell:there's a certain amount of vertical
Ed Farrell:integration when you have the ability to
Ed Farrell:repair, maintain, and take care of the
Ed Farrell:vehicles that you use on a daily basis.
Ed Farrell:Um, I think that's a very, very important
Ed Farrell:part of a transportation business, and
Ed Farrell:we pay a lot of attention to it and that
Ed Farrell:has, proven to work out very well for us.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: I'm really
Ed Farrell:glad you brought that up.
Ed Farrell:I saw that on your website.
Ed Farrell:And, you know, one of my questions is
Ed Farrell:like, you know, what's your USP or, you
Ed Farrell:know, what kind of sets you apart from,
Ed Farrell:and I'm ignorant about the transportation
Ed Farrell:industry, but I'm suspecting that
Ed Farrell:that right there that you were just
Ed Farrell:talking about; owning your own is...
Ed Farrell:starting actually with a car repair and
Ed Farrell:then, but owning your own repair facility
Ed Farrell:and doing all your own maintenance is
Ed Farrell:probably not common in your industry.
Ed Farrell:Is that accurate?
Ed Farrell:That's, that's correct.
Ed Farrell:And you know, um, if you know the
Ed Farrell:vehicles, that's your biggest, can be
Ed Farrell:your biggest, uh, besides the labor costs.
Ed Farrell:It can be your biggest expense.
Ed Farrell:You can think of trying to take
Ed Farrell:care of you and your wife's cars and
Ed Farrell:keeping up on all the maintenance.
Ed Farrell:And you probably drive maybe
Ed Farrell:15 - 20,000 miles a year.
Ed Farrell:Well, our vehicles, they travel 50
Ed Farrell:to 60,000 miles a year, each one.
Ed Farrell:And there's over a hundred of them now,
Ed Farrell:uh, to try to keep up on that maintenance.
Ed Farrell:To keep, make sure you don't lose an
Ed Farrell:engine or transmission or, um, you don't
Ed Farrell:grind the brakes and, and to keep it safe.
Ed Farrell:safe and, and keep it, uh, desirable
Ed Farrell:for people to ride with you.
Ed Farrell:It's still all about the ride.
Ed Farrell:Transportation is still
Ed Farrell:all about the ride.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Ha, I get that.
Ed Farrell:We didn't talk about this, Chris, but
Ed Farrell:part of my family business, where I
Ed Farrell:started, was working at an egg farm.
Ed Farrell:We had an egg farm.
Ed Farrell:And so I was driving a delivery route
Ed Farrell:for, you know, several years of that.
Ed Farrell:And so, yeah, I was, I had passengers
Ed Farrell:that didn't talk, but boy, if I
Ed Farrell:hit a bump too hard or took a turn
Ed Farrell:too fast, I had a mess to clean up.
Ed Farrell:And I remember a time.
Ed Farrell:We didn't maintain our own vehicles,
Ed Farrell:I remember a time I was out and the,
Ed Farrell:uh, I think the clutch went out on
Ed Farrell:the, the, it was a big Step Van,
Ed Farrell:like, you know, like UPS drives.
Ed Farrell:And, um, clutch went out and,
Ed Farrell:they were telling me, well, just
Ed Farrell:drive it without the clutch.
Ed Farrell:I didn't know how.
Ed Farrell:So, I sort of
Ed Farrell:feel
Chris Farrell:to, uh,
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: the vehicle maintenance.
Chris Farrell:We'll
Chris Farrell:have to
Chris Farrell:get an egg test going, have a, uh, part
Chris Farrell:of the driver evaluation, put an egg on
Chris Farrell:the dashboard and make sure it doesn't
Chris Farrell:roll off and, uh, and hit the floor.
Chris Farrell:Find out if they're a good driver or not.
Chris Farrell:Yeah.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Bingo
Chris Farrell:But, um, yeah, compounding
Chris Farrell:it's, , it's very important to have
Chris Farrell:a safe and quality vehicle and, you
Chris Farrell:know, the turnaround on the vehicle
Chris Farrell:is expedited because of our own repair
Chris Farrell:shop and we know who's fixing it, right?
Chris Farrell:It's Ed, it's our fleet of mechanics
Chris Farrell:to make sure that everything is
Chris Farrell:safe and sound and it really goes
Chris Farrell:back to, you know, the safety of
Chris Farrell:the clients and we like to say that
Chris Farrell:cleanliness is safety's best friend.
Chris Farrell:And if somebody doesn't believe a vehicle
Chris Farrell:is, is clean, it arrives, it's dirty.
Chris Farrell:They're not going to believe
Chris Farrell:that it's, it's safe to get into.
Chris Farrell:It just kind of feeds, feeds into itself.
Chris Farrell:So the maintenance of the vehicle,
Chris Farrell:the cleanliness of the vehicle, and
Chris Farrell:then obviously the, the quality of
Chris Farrell:the person you're putting behind the
Chris Farrell:wheel is, is very important to us.
Chris Farrell:And that's what really separated us
Chris Farrell:from the pack in the beginning when
Chris Farrell:we got started about 20 years ago.
Chris Farrell:And As you grow, you don't want
Chris Farrell:to, you know, as Ed stated, we
Chris Farrell:have over 100 vehicles and equal
Chris Farrell:amount of drivers and office staff.
Chris Farrell:You don't want to grow away from what
Chris Farrell:made you special in the first place.
Chris Farrell:Um, so we found it helpful to
Chris Farrell:deploy technology to enhance human
Chris Farrell:interaction rather than replace it.
Chris Farrell:Um, I think a lot of companies say,
Chris Farrell:Oh, you know, we can use this item
Chris Farrell:and that'll save us money here,
Chris Farrell:or we can eliminate this position.
Chris Farrell:That's never been Ed's goal or vision.
Chris Farrell:He, he wants to employ people.
Chris Farrell:He wants to employ quality folks
Chris Farrell:and, you know, provide them with, you
Chris Farrell:know, an above average of living wage
Chris Farrell:and use those systems such as, you
Chris Farrell:know, the driver passenger feedback
Chris Farrell:portals we have on our tablet.
Chris Farrell:When, you know, Jose or Jim Santos or
Chris Farrell:Steven go to pick up a client and is
Chris Farrell:ringing the front doorbell, well, the
Chris Farrell:passenger likes to be picked up around the
Chris Farrell:side of their house by the blue dumpster.
Chris Farrell:So we've already kind of.
Chris Farrell:We've kind of expended some
Chris Farrell:time figuring that out at once.
Chris Farrell:We can now have the driver push
Chris Farrell:that information into the office.
Chris Farrell:We can update that client's profile
Chris Farrell:so when the next driver goes, they're
Chris Farrell:not wasting time on site and they're
Chris Farrell:able to tailor that experience for that
Chris Farrell:client and make sure that we can get
Chris Farrell:them picked up in an expeditious manner,
Chris Farrell:brought to their appointment on time,
Chris Farrell:which is pivotal in transportation.
Chris Farrell:It's really, you know,
Chris Farrell:our promise to the client.
Chris Farrell:And, um, by utilizing those
Chris Farrell:systems, like I said, we're able
Chris Farrell:to enhance the experience and
Chris Farrell:enhance the value to the client.
Chris Farrell:So, a bit of a little summary
Chris Farrell:there as far as the major moving
Chris Farrell:parts, although there are many.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: I think you also
Chris Farrell:have cameras inside the vehicles
Chris Farrell:that record everything, I guess.
Chris Farrell:So that if you need to
Chris Farrell:review something, right.
Chris Farrell:That's, that's also available to you.
Ed Farrell:Tracking cameras.
Ed Farrell:We know where the
Ed Farrell:vehicles are at all times.
Ed Farrell:We know what's going on in the vehicles.
Ed Farrell:We know what's going on in the street.
Ed Farrell:Um, we have a full time person that,
Ed Farrell:a safety, uh, officer that basically
Ed Farrell:looks over, make sure everybody's
Ed Farrell:operating and doing the things that
Ed Farrell:we taught them to do in training.
Ed Farrell:Training is a key thing.
Ed Farrell:We do a lot of training with people.
Ed Farrell:We do it, you know, on board training,
Ed Farrell:prior to going out, you know, we just
Ed Farrell:don't hire a person, put them on the
Ed Farrell:street, spend a lot of time and a lot
Ed Farrell:of capital training them properly
Ed Farrell:to do the job that they need to do.
Ed Farrell:And, um, and continuous
Ed Farrell:training, , on a yearly basis.
Ed Farrell:Sometimes more than just, uh,
Ed Farrell:once a year, it's several times.
Ed Farrell:And if we find somebody, um, not
Ed Farrell:doing it right, we can retrain them.
Ed Farrell:The, the goal is to foster or,
Ed Farrell:or guide people and get them
Ed Farrell:to move in the right direction.
Ed Farrell:Um, so they're all in step with what
Ed Farrell:the, what the mission is that we deliver.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Yeah, mission.
Ed Farrell:That was something I, a note I
Ed Farrell:remember writing down from , my
Ed Farrell:conversation with Chris.
Ed Farrell:Uh, everyone understands the mission.
Ed Farrell:Can you elaborate on that a little
Ed Farrell:bit, Chris, or Ed, either one?
Chris Farrell:Yeah,
Chris Farrell:absolutely, absolutely.
Chris Farrell:Um, so I do the majority of the hiring
Chris Farrell:here and you know, you can come to me
Chris Farrell:as a driver or potential office staff
Chris Farrell:and it's, it's more than just the resume.
Chris Farrell:Resumes are helpful.
Chris Farrell:They're a starting point.
Chris Farrell:Um, but when I, you know, interview
Chris Farrell:people and speak with them, we start
Chris Farrell:there, but we move on to, you know,
Chris Farrell:what are your goals, what are your
Chris Farrell:aspirations, what are your hobbies?
Chris Farrell:And you can glean a lot of information and
Chris Farrell:substance about who that person really is.
Chris Farrell:And we, we, take that into a large
Chris Farrell:consideration when onboarding people and
Chris Farrell:I give everybody all of the information.
Chris Farrell:Probably too much when I onboard
Chris Farrell:them and say this is what we are, you
Chris Farrell:know We are a top quality value based
Chris Farrell:transportation business If it's in
Chris Farrell:your mind that you're going to drive
Chris Farrell:around and you know not pick up the
Chris Farrell:phone or not get out of the van and not
Chris Farrell:greet our passengers help them to the
Chris Farrell:vehicle, help them with their seatbelts,
Chris Farrell:secure them safely in their wheelchair.
Chris Farrell:If that's not something that you're
Chris Farrell:willing to do, you saw something you're
Chris Farrell:excited to do, please don't work here.
Chris Farrell:That's fine.
Chris Farrell:It's okay.
Chris Farrell:We're not mad.
Chris Farrell:You know, we have a 90 day
Chris Farrell:probationary period because you
Chris Farrell:may start to think you like it.
Chris Farrell:And then about three months in,
Chris Farrell:the varnish starts to wear off
Chris Farrell:when you're stuck in traffic on 93.
Chris Farrell:If you're not liking it,
Chris Farrell:please don't work here.
Chris Farrell:It's okay, right?
Chris Farrell:Because we want to be able to hire and
Chris Farrell:retain the best quality individuals and
Chris Farrell:you either have it or you don't, right?
Chris Farrell:You're either a caring person
Chris Farrell:who drives well or, you know,
Chris Farrell:maybe this isn't for you.
Chris Farrell:So the people that kind of do make
Chris Farrell:it through the onboarding process and
Chris Farrell:do make it through the probationary
Chris Farrell:period stay here for quite a long time.
Chris Farrell:We have, you know, folks who
Chris Farrell:have been here as drivers.
Chris Farrell:Handful, about 15 years, many more
Chris Farrell:of them over 10 years, and people
Chris Farrell:really care about the mission, what
Chris Farrell:we're doing here, and what we're
Chris Farrell:doing is essentially providing
Chris Farrell:freedom to accessible transportation.
Chris Farrell:Um, everybody has a right to move about
Chris Farrell:freely, and we want to provide that
Chris Farrell:bridge to people's care through chair
Chris Farrell:car transportation to their appointments.
Chris Farrell:We want to provide that bridge to going
Chris Farrell:to the supermarket, to, Going up to New
Chris Farrell:Hampshire for an afternoon to see the
Chris Farrell:Leaves because, you know, they've been in
Chris Farrell:a nursing home or something similar for,
Chris Farrell:you know, several months and we want to
Chris Farrell:get them out and we want them to have fun.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: And, and that brings
Chris Farrell:us to the, to the family aspect
Chris Farrell:again, and on two sides, you know,
Chris Farrell:you're, you're transporting people
Chris Farrell:who, who's oftentimes their family
Chris Farrell:can't do for them what they want to.
Chris Farrell:And so they're trusting you to do it.
Chris Farrell:But so there's that family aspect.
Chris Farrell:And, but you're also a family business
Chris Farrell:and you guys are working together.
Chris Farrell:Um, what do you love most about
Chris Farrell:working with family in the business?
Chris Farrell:Working together.
Chris Farrell:Um, well, for me, you
Chris Farrell:know, life is short and we spend the
Chris Farrell:majority of our lives working and
Chris Farrell:it's just so fantastic and I'm so
Chris Farrell:lucky to be able to spend so much
Chris Farrell:time with my family, with Ed, with
Chris Farrell:Cynthia, my mother, , you know, my wife
Chris Farrell:works, works as part of the business.
Chris Farrell:So just so fortunate to be, you
Chris Farrell:know, around family and, you know,
Chris Farrell:enjoying the work that we do.
Chris Farrell:A lot of people see family
Chris Farrell:business and they kind of
Chris Farrell:think oil in the water, right?
Chris Farrell:But, you know, here it's kind of,
Chris Farrell:you know, oil and gasoline, um,
Chris Farrell:and an engine driving forward.
Chris Farrell:So we work together very, very well.
Chris Farrell:And the, you know, the strength
Chris Farrell:of relationships is important, um,
Chris Farrell:both in family and in business.
Chris Farrell:And those things feed into one another.
Chris Farrell:If you have strong family relationships,
Chris Farrell:you know, if you have strong
Chris Farrell:business relationships, you can
Chris Farrell:learn from both sides of that coin.
Ed Farrell:And you can't do, you can't
Ed Farrell:do everything yourself, um, in, in a
Ed Farrell:business, um, To have someone that you
Ed Farrell:can rely on that's going to be there that
Ed Farrell:has the same values, the same, shares
Ed Farrell:the same passions, it's very helpful.
Ed Farrell:Hopefully has the same
Ed Farrell:values you've raised them.
Ed Farrell:Working with, , a family member, there's
Ed Farrell:different aspects of, um, of family
Ed Farrell:businesses and we've had, you know,
Ed Farrell:we've worked together, Chris and I very
Ed Farrell:well in the transportation business,
Ed Farrell:but I also have siblings that I work
Ed Farrell:with that are siblings So it's there's
Ed Farrell:a different relationship there between
Ed Farrell:siblings and family members that are
Ed Farrell:direct blood to you, We've learned over
Ed Farrell:the years where where the boundaries
Ed Farrell:lie and how to manage their time and
Ed Farrell:manage the um the time spent in business
Ed Farrell:and time spent at home, uh, very well.
Ed Farrell:it's important to, , separate the
Ed Farrell:two at some point and, , we've
Ed Farrell:learned how to do that.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Okay.
Ed Farrell:Is there a particular challenge that you
Ed Farrell:did overcome that, that is, that, that
Ed Farrell:you'd want to share, that, that other
Ed Farrell:family businesses might learn from?
Ed Farrell:Our biggest
Ed Farrell:challenge was the pandemic.
Ed Farrell:That was our biggest
Ed Farrell:challenge in this business.
Ed Farrell:Um, you know, keeping it together I think
Ed Farrell:back to when we had the pandemic and you
Ed Farrell:can remember when you, you know, you got
Ed Farrell:the Lysol out and sprayed your vegetables.
Ed Farrell:Well, We, continued to work through
Ed Farrell:the pandemic because the people we
Ed Farrell:transport for dialysis and medical
Ed Farrell:care, things like that, they can't,
Ed Farrell:pandemic or no pandemic, they still
Ed Farrell:have to go and we were all scared.
Ed Farrell:And, , you know, we
Ed Farrell:didn't know what to do.
Ed Farrell:And we have photos of, um, we got these
Ed Farrell:machines, these foggers, and in between
Ed Farrell:every trip, we would have to fog the
Ed Farrell:vehicle with this special chemical
Ed Farrell:that kills everything, you know, um.
Ed Farrell:any viruses or whatever and Well,
Ed Farrell:that's a huge undertaking With so
Ed Farrell:many vehicles on the road or whatever
Ed Farrell:and it was Chris was doing it.
Ed Farrell:I had my daughter Jessica doing it
Ed Farrell:That was my son my son Edward was here
Ed Farrell:helping so it was all hands on deck.
Ed Farrell:It's kind of like You know
Ed Farrell:with family businesses a farm.
Ed Farrell:Let's say you you sell pumpkins.
Ed Farrell:You grow pumpkins Well, everybody
Ed Farrell:works when it's Halloween and that's
Ed Farrell:what we did during the pandemic to
Ed Farrell:keep the fleet and the vehicles on
Ed Farrell:the road and keep everybody, um,
Ed Farrell:get to their medical appointments.
Ed Farrell:And it was a big accomplishment.
Ed Farrell:I'm very proud of the way everybody
Ed Farrell:pulled together and got that done.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Wow.
Ed Farrell:Nice.
Ed Farrell:Yeah, that, that is, I had not
Ed Farrell:thought about what, how the pandemic
Ed Farrell:might have affected you guys.
Ed Farrell:That's, that had to be huge.
Ed Farrell:Yeah, because you
Ed Farrell:can't, well, fortunately
Ed Farrell:you couldn't stop, right?
Ed Farrell:You had to keep going, but
Ed Farrell:you had to really adapt.
Ed Farrell:You had to get, you know, get
Ed Farrell:creative with what you did.
Ed Farrell:Well you couldn't share
Ed Farrell:vehicles with other people, so
Ed Farrell:it would have single, single use,
Ed Farrell:uh, single riders on the vehicles.
Ed Farrell:Right.
Ed Farrell:Um, whereas you couldn't, you
Ed Farrell:know, put two people, you know,
Ed Farrell:everybody had to be separated.
Ed Farrell:Um, just, it made a lot of work
Ed Farrell:and everybody came together and
Ed Farrell:we got through it pretty well.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie:
Ed Farrell:Everybody coming together.
Ed Farrell:That's one of the, I think, the hallmarks
Ed Farrell:of family business is that, people rise
Ed Farrell:to the occasion when they're needed,
Ed Farrell:it's, you know, nobody's, nobody's
Ed Farrell:saying, well, that's not my job, right?
Ed Farrell:Because it's like
Ed Farrell:There's no
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: family,
Ed Farrell:No such thing.
Ed Farrell:Yeah.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Exactly.
Ed Farrell:It's everybody's job.
Ed Farrell:This is not a corporation
Ed Farrell:where there's a job description and
Ed Farrell:people, you know, oh, that's not my,
Ed Farrell:you know, that's not my role here.
Ed Farrell:Everybody has a role.
Ed Farrell:Everybody.
Ed Farrell:Everybody is a driver first,
Ed Farrell:and they do what they do second.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Okay.
Ed Farrell:Cool.
Ed Farrell:So you know, we were talking about
Ed Farrell:having the right people in the right
Ed Farrell:seats and going with strengths.
Ed Farrell:So, , within the family, the
Ed Farrell:people that are family that are
Ed Farrell:working in the business, do you
Ed Farrell:have a process for figuring out
Ed Farrell:what roles people need to play?
Ed Farrell:And is there also multiple role
Ed Farrell:cross training or, you know, how did,
Ed Farrell:how did you figure that part out?
Ed Farrell:It's simple, you start at
Ed Farrell:the bottom and you work your way up.
Ed Farrell:Um, you gotta learn every
Ed Farrell:aspect of the business.
Ed Farrell:If you, you're not worth
Ed Farrell:having if you don't know every
Ed Farrell:little piece of the business.
Ed Farrell:You have to understand it all.
Ed Farrell:Um, it's not, it's unlike anything else.
Ed Farrell:Um, if you don't know, then when
Ed Farrell:someone tells you a story, you
Ed Farrell:don't know if it's the truth or not.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Okay.
Ed Farrell:So cross training is the process.
Chris Farrell:It is, it is, and I
Chris Farrell:think to expand upon that as far as, you
Chris Farrell:know, family members in the business and
Chris Farrell:then, you know, recognizing individual
Chris Farrell:strengths, um, it was, there is really
Chris Farrell:no expected succession plan, right?
Chris Farrell:You're my son, you're my
Chris Farrell:daughter, you're working here.
Chris Farrell:, I've been told a million times,
Chris Farrell:if you want to do something
Chris Farrell:else, go do it, right?
Chris Farrell:Um, if this is your passion,
Chris Farrell:then please continue on with,
Chris Farrell:we'd be happy to have you.
Chris Farrell:So there is no, I guess, underlying
Chris Farrell:animosity or, or expectation or, you
Chris Farrell:know, guilt that I would have if this
Chris Farrell:is not something that I wanted to do.
Chris Farrell:Um, you know, Ed's been
Chris Farrell:very open about that.
Chris Farrell:Cynthia has been very open about that.
Chris Farrell:Um, so, you know, like our probationary
Chris Farrell:period, we want you here cause you,
Chris Farrell:we want you to be here essentially.
Chris Farrell:Um, and I think that that
Chris Farrell:holds a lot of value.
Chris Farrell:A lot of value and same thing
Chris Farrell:with recognizing strengths, right?
Chris Farrell:Ed's going to say, all right, Chris
Chris Farrell:is good at, you know, this thing,
Chris Farrell:this thing, this thing, let's give
Chris Farrell:him the tools, give him the training,
Chris Farrell:you know, the education necessary in
Chris Farrell:order to be the most successful version
Chris Farrell:of that person within the business.
Chris Farrell:And, you know, I translate that, you
Chris Farrell:know, to the driving staff as well.
Chris Farrell:Um, you know, we have some folks here
Chris Farrell:that work in the office who were drivers
Chris Farrell:and, you know, We're not going to hold
Chris Farrell:up a piece of paper and say, Hey, where's
Chris Farrell:your, where's your bachelor's degree?
Chris Farrell:Where's your this, that,
Chris Farrell:or the other thing?
Chris Farrell:You know, if you were, you know, the
Chris Farrell:type of person who, you know, is a
Chris Farrell:star in a role, let's say a driver.
Chris Farrell:It's our belief that you'll continue
Chris Farrell:to be a star with the proper
Chris Farrell:training and tools, um, no matter
Chris Farrell:which position you're holding.
Chris Farrell:So we've had a lot of folks that
Chris Farrell:were drivers that now work in the,
Chris Farrell:you know, the customer service or
Chris Farrell:the safety department because You
Chris Farrell:know, they've already seen the
Chris Farrell:human interaction side of things.
Chris Farrell:Now, if they can go on the other side
Chris Farrell:of the quality control and the safety
Chris Farrell:aspects, then they can share that
Chris Farrell:knowledge with, you know, the rest of
Chris Farrell:the driving cohort and the driving team.
Chris Farrell:So, um, I think those are, you know,
Chris Farrell:two very important distinctions to make.
Chris Farrell:Um, again, first that it was,
Chris Farrell:you know, never expected or
Chris Farrell:this is what you'll do now.
Chris Farrell:You know, your dad was a farmer,
Chris Farrell:so you're a farmer type situation.
Chris Farrell:Um, It was kind of an open invitation.
Chris Farrell:And if you want to do this, then
Chris Farrell:we're going to expect everything
Chris Farrell:from you as, as we would any other
Chris Farrell:employee plus a little bit more on top.
Chris Farrell:So it's been fun.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Oh, man, that is huge.
Chris Farrell:The open invitation.
Chris Farrell:I love that, that phraseology for,
Chris Farrell:for that, that it's, it's not that
Chris Farrell:expectation because I think that's,
Chris Farrell:in fact, I've got a great little book
Chris Farrell:called, , Trapped In The Family Business.
Chris Farrell:And this gentleman has explored
Chris Farrell:all these different ways that
Chris Farrell:people feel in some way trapped or
Chris Farrell:guilted into and things like that.
Chris Farrell:And I, I can speak to that, but I won't.
Chris Farrell:And, and so, you know, having that
Chris Farrell:open invitation, but also, And then
Chris Farrell:married with that, what you said is,
Chris Farrell:you know, you earn your place, right?
Chris Farrell:You have to, you have to qualify
Chris Farrell:for the job just like anybody
Chris Farrell:else that we're going to hire.
Chris Farrell:That's so powerful, not only for the,
Chris Farrell:the younger generation in the family
Chris Farrell:business that now, because of that,
Chris Farrell:knows that they have earned their place.
Chris Farrell:It wasn't given to them.
Chris Farrell:And they don't have any doubt about that.
Chris Farrell:And, and second of all, the, the hired
Chris Farrell:employees, the non-family employees
Chris Farrell:that you're working alongside, also
Chris Farrell:know that you had to go through the same
Chris Farrell:rigorous process that they did, and, and
Chris Farrell:there's more respect there, and there's
Chris Farrell:more, um, yeah, just equality, I guess.
Ed Farrell:You You named it.
Ed Farrell:You named it; it's the respect
Ed Farrell:you can't, you earn respect.
Ed Farrell:You don't get it.
Ed Farrell:It's not given.
Ed Farrell:Um, and you have to be witnessed,
Ed Farrell:um, in a lot of cases, um, your, your
Ed Farrell:actions, what you do, um, and, and.
Ed Farrell:That's how it works the best.
Ed Farrell:You know, it's not always that way,
Ed Farrell:but that's how it works the best.
Chris Farrell:Yeah, I think, uh,
Chris Farrell:I think it would be a detriment
Chris Farrell:overall for me in my current role.
Chris Farrell:You know, leading the operation
Chris Farrell:side of things, if this is where I
Chris Farrell:started, I think it would be, you
Chris Farrell:know, the light shines through, right.
Chris Farrell:When you're speaking, not from experience
Chris Farrell:and interacting with my office staff or
Chris Farrell:my drivers, it'd be a huge detriment.
Chris Farrell:To me, professionally, it'd be a detriment
Chris Farrell:to the business having, having, having
Chris Farrell:not had that, you know, that background.
Chris Farrell:So,
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Smart!.
Chris Farrell:Is there anything about being in
Chris Farrell:a family business that you know
Chris Farrell:now that you wish you knew back
Chris Farrell:20 years ago when you started?
Ed Farrell:Everything!
Ed Farrell:When you own a business, a small
Ed Farrell:business, sometimes you try to
Ed Farrell:compare your life to other people.
Ed Farrell:You look around and your wife or
Ed Farrell:whatever, they'll say, well look at
Ed Farrell:these people, look at those people.
Ed Farrell:You have to put that
Ed Farrell:completely out of your mind.
Ed Farrell:Don't try to compare yourselves to others.
Ed Farrell:You have to absorb it and
Ed Farrell:not be aggravated by it.
Ed Farrell:In other words, you have
Ed Farrell:to thrive or embrace it.
Ed Farrell:, there'll be times, you know, when
Ed Farrell:you're asked to do things that a normal
Ed Farrell:person wouldn't do in any other business.
Ed Farrell:And you can let that aggravate you or
Ed Farrell:you can say, well, let's embrace this.
Ed Farrell:This is just part of,
Ed Farrell:you know, what it is.
Ed Farrell:I've decided to do this
Ed Farrell:and I need to embrace it.
Ed Farrell:You embrace the good things
Ed Farrell:and you embrace the bad things.
Ed Farrell:It just, you can't let
Ed Farrell:it get under your skin.
Ed Farrell:Um, it's, it's part of who you are.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Wow.
Ed Farrell:A lot of wisdom there.
Ed Farrell:The maturity is just, on, on, your
Ed Farrell:business maturity is, is outstanding.
Ed Farrell:And, and not just the length
Ed Farrell:of it, but your depth of it.
Ed Farrell:That's, it's um, it's
Ed Farrell:pretty awe inspiring.
Ed Farrell:Thank you.
Ed Farrell:It's clear to see why you've
Ed Farrell:succeeded the way you have.
Ed Farrell:So what's the most?
Chris Farrell:uh, a similar
Chris Farrell:experience throughout, Being a new
Chris Farrell:grad as a driver and working my way
Chris Farrell:into, the office and to kind of
Chris Farrell:put it into a phrase, as Ed stated,
Chris Farrell:other's success is a mirror for you.
Chris Farrell:And a lot of people look at other
Chris Farrell:people's success and see what they,
Chris Farrell:they themselves have or haven't done.
Chris Farrell:And that can be discouraging
Chris Farrell:or it can be motivating.
Chris Farrell:And the way that you, you
Chris Farrell:handle that, that image or that
Chris Farrell:feedback is very important.
Chris Farrell:And, you know, as a, as a young
Chris Farrell:professional in my, in my twenties,
Chris Farrell:you're looking at friends who, you
Chris Farrell:know, work in corporate America or
Chris Farrell:work in finance and things like that.
Chris Farrell:And um, you say to yourself, why I
Chris Farrell:work nine to five, I, I work, you know,
Chris Farrell:eight to four, whatever it might be.
Chris Farrell:And that's not true.
Chris Farrell:Um, you work all the time when
Chris Farrell:you're really starting out.
Chris Farrell:I started 10 years ago, so halfway
Chris Farrell:through the company's lifespan
Chris Farrell:essentially, and it was a very busy time.
Chris Farrell:We were starting a lot of new
Chris Farrell:work, and I was, you know, kind of
Chris Farrell:confronted with a choice to make.
Chris Farrell:Do I, you know, work nine to
Chris Farrell:five and try to shut my phone
Chris Farrell:off, or do I lean into it?
Chris Farrell:And, you know, as Ed said, it's
Chris Farrell:going to be there when you get back
Chris Farrell:and you turn your phone back on.
Chris Farrell:It's just going to be a little bit worse.
Chris Farrell:So, you know, lean into it, embrace
Chris Farrell:it, embrace the challenges, and
Chris Farrell:you'll learn a lot about business.
Chris Farrell:You'll learn a lot about yourself.
Chris Farrell:And, um, you know, we've gotten to a point
Chris Farrell:now where we have a lot of good folks in
Chris Farrell:the office to help us with those things.
Chris Farrell:And, um,
Ed Farrell:it's not as bad.
Ed Farrell:It's not like it was.
Ed Farrell:It's not like it was anymore.
Ed Farrell:But I, I, I remark and people say, you
Ed Farrell:know, you'll, you'll talk to others and
Ed Farrell:they'll say, Well, I work 12 hour days.
Ed Farrell:I'll just look at 'em
Ed Farrell:and say, oh, half a day.
Ed Farrell:Yeah.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Exactly.
Ed Farrell:Exactly.
Ed Farrell:So,
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: that's
Ed Farrell:what entrepreneurs do.
Ed Farrell:We work 24
Ed Farrell:7, right?
Ed Farrell:Yeah.
Ed Farrell:It's not a, well,
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Our phones never off.
Ed Farrell:You only
Ed Farrell:worked half the day . Yeah.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: I love that.
Ed Farrell:Exactly.
Ed Farrell:That's an awesome perspective right there.
Chris Farrell:Yeah.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Yes.
Chris Farrell:So what's the most valuable thing
Chris Farrell:you've learned from your employees?
Chris Farrell:Or from a single employee?
Chris Farrell:One thing that resonates
Chris Farrell:with me is, you know, we were talking
Chris Farrell:to the, to the driving staff and.
Chris Farrell:One of the statements that the
Chris Farrell:driver has made, it's very simple,
Chris Farrell:but um, He just said when you do
Chris Farrell:everything with love, it's simple.
Chris Farrell:That's it.
Chris Farrell:And that's, that's what really
Chris Farrell:stuck, stuck with me and stood out.
Chris Farrell:He's been a driver here for eight
Chris Farrell:years and you know, we're asking him,
Chris Farrell:what do you like about working here?
Chris Farrell:You know, it's tough in the winter time
Chris Farrell:in New England and you're in snow and
Chris Farrell:you're digging your van out and you
Chris Farrell:still can't be late because it's snowed
Chris Farrell:because we're transportation professionals
Chris Farrell:and we have a promise to our people.
Chris Farrell:And he said, Chris, you know, Hey, when
Chris Farrell:you do everything with love, it's simple.
Chris Farrell:And uh, that really stuck
Chris Farrell:with me, really stuck with me.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: So, that's,
Chris Farrell:that's, that's a great question.
Chris Farrell:Yeah, that's powerful.
Chris Farrell:Is, is that, did he, how do I ask this?
Chris Farrell:Did he develop that, did that
Chris Farrell:come from him personally or
Chris Farrell:is that part of your culture?
Chris Farrell:Or
Chris Farrell:to think
Chris Farrell:it's a little bit of both.
Chris Farrell:Um, you know, like I said, you know,
Chris Farrell:everybody understands the mission.
Chris Farrell:People who are here, they want to be here.
Chris Farrell:They want to make sure that somebody's
Chris Farrell:mom, dad, grandmother is getting the best
Chris Farrell:care possible, the best transportation
Chris Farrell:and safest transportation possible.
Chris Farrell:And I think that they feel
Chris Farrell:that way because them, they
Chris Farrell:themselves are people of value.
Chris Farrell:So they're providing value to
Chris Farrell:the people that they pick up.
Chris Farrell:And, you know, like I said, when we hire,
Chris Farrell:that's, that's what we're looking for.
Chris Farrell:We're looking for quality people to put
Chris Farrell:behind the wheel of quality vehicles
Chris Farrell:to do the best job that we can.
Chris Farrell:And, uh, so I think, I
Chris Farrell:think it's a bit of both.
Chris Farrell:I think it's a bit of both
Chris Farrell:and it's kind of lent itself
Chris Farrell:to the, to the culture here.
Chris Farrell:And, uh, we're very
Chris Farrell:fortunate to have that.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Yeah,
Ed Farrell:It's the people that you have
Ed Farrell:working for you as a, as a, as a whole
Ed Farrell:that really makes the company as well.
Ed Farrell:So, um, does it come from the company
Ed Farrell:or does it come from the person?
Ed Farrell:Um,
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: it's kind
Ed Farrell:of like a circle, isn't it?
Ed Farrell:The people are the culture
Ed Farrell:and the culture defines the
Ed Farrell:people.
Ed Farrell:Exactly.
Ed Farrell:yeah.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Very nice.
Ed Farrell:That is so cool.
Ed Farrell:What a lovely lesson.
Ed Farrell:So, uh, as far as other family
Ed Farrell:businesses, do you guys network?
Ed Farrell:And I think I know part of the answer to
Ed Farrell:this because of our conversation, but do
Ed Farrell:you network with other family businesses?
Ed Farrell:Uh, I, it's
Ed Farrell:funny you ask that.
Ed Farrell:We have a breakfast club in my
Ed Farrell:office, where there's many people
Ed Farrell:that I've met throughout my career.
Ed Farrell:We'll come, they'll sit down,
Ed Farrell:we'll talk about their struggles,
Ed Farrell:my struggles, you know, kind of
Ed Farrell:venting, let's say, , at some point.
Ed Farrell:, but it's a breakfast club and,
Ed Farrell:, there'll be people that'll come
Ed Farrell:and, uh, to my place and we talk.
Ed Farrell:They could be masons, they could
Ed Farrell:be builders, they could be In many
Ed Farrell:different businesses, , flower business.
Ed Farrell:, these people come, they, hey, how you
Ed Farrell:doing, sit down, just start talking.
Ed Farrell:We can vent back and forth a bit.
Ed Farrell:But I think we learn from
Ed Farrell:each other a bit as well.
Ed Farrell:And, um, if I can give some advice,
Ed Farrell:let's say for an insurance issue, or
Ed Farrell:a, um, a banking issue, or things that
Ed Farrell:I've picked up along the way, or a
Ed Farrell:tax issue, um, You know, I'll share
Ed Farrell:with them, they'll share with me.
Ed Farrell:Yeah, you do learn from talking to
Ed Farrell:other people that are in small business.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: Very cool.
Ed Farrell:Very cool.
Ed Farrell:And, and sometimes, when we're talking
Ed Farrell:to someone in our own, or when we're
Ed Farrell:hearing the example that's, that's
Ed Farrell:in our own vertical, we personalize
Ed Farrell:it so much, we, we miss the point.
Ed Farrell:And so hearing somebody from another,
Ed Farrell:uh, a different kind of industry
Ed Farrell:and completely talk about a similar
Ed Farrell:problem, it frames it in a way
Ed Farrell:that we can see it clearer too.
Ed Farrell:I love that.
Ed Farrell:The Breakfast Club.
Ed Farrell:Yep.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: So, you guys
Ed Farrell:are in the, all of New England.
Ed Farrell:You're based just outside Boston,
Ed Farrell:but you cover all of New England.
Ed Farrell:How
Ed Farrell:do, how do people, like if, if
Ed Farrell:somebody's up in New Hampshire,
Ed Farrell:and they need, I mean, I'm, I'm
Ed Farrell:ignorant of distances, sorry.
Ed Farrell:Vermont, New Hampshire, I'd
Ed Farrell:think of those as farther north
Ed Farrell:than Boston, but I may be wrong.
Ed Farrell:But somebody distant, you know, several
Ed Farrell:hundred miles from your main office.
Ed Farrell:What do they do?
Chris Farrell:So, The majority
Chris Farrell:of the work that we do, we're
Chris Farrell:contracted with facilities, with
Chris Farrell:hospitals, things of that nature.
Chris Farrell:Um, so a lot of their rides are set
Chris Farrell:up through the facilities that they're
Chris Farrell:visiting and that they will contact
Chris Farrell:they being the facilities will contact
Chris Farrell:us to set up transportation for them.
Chris Farrell:Um, we also have, you know, contact us
Chris Farrell:or book with us portals on our website.
Chris Farrell:They can call us six days a week.
Chris Farrell:You know, from 6am to
Chris Farrell:6 pm at 781 316 0400.
Chris Farrell:Our website is www.
Chris Farrell:RideWithATS.
Chris Farrell:com.
Chris Farrell:So there's a lot of
Chris Farrell:useful information there.
Chris Farrell:And, you know, we get a lot of general
Chris Farrell:inquiries, whether it's, as I stated
Chris Farrell:before, a medical appointment, or,
Chris Farrell:you know, a private paid fun run,
Chris Farrell:where they just want to get mom
Chris Farrell:and dad, you know, out for the day.
Chris Farrell:And we have, you know,
Chris Farrell:LinkedIn and Facebook.
Chris Farrell:So we, we try to cover all of our
Chris Farrell:bases as far as providing updates to
Chris Farrell:the employees through multiple avenues
Chris Farrell:and also, you know, to our clients.
Chris Farrell:And, , as far as, you know, the
Chris Farrell:scope of our work, we go everywhere.
Chris Farrell:There's, there's really nowhere
Chris Farrell:in New England that we don't go.
Chris Farrell:Um, some things in my mind stick
Chris Farrell:out where, you know, on one day,
Chris Farrell:I believe 3 weeks ago we were in.
Chris Farrell:New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont,
Chris Farrell:Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Chris Farrell:Massachusetts, and we're
Chris Farrell:discharging somebody to New Jersey.
Chris Farrell:So we, we go far.
Chris Farrell:Um, if there's a need, if there's somebody
Chris Farrell:who needs to make it either home or to
Chris Farrell:their appointment, we will take you.
Chris Farrell:We have, as I stated, a great
Chris Farrell:dedicated driving staff.
Chris Farrell:I remember a story where we had
Chris Farrell:a passenger who was an hour and
Chris Farrell:a half north of Montreal, Canada.
Chris Farrell:But was still somehow in Maine.
Chris Farrell:Um, and they had a four
Chris Farrell:o'clock pickup in the morning.
Chris Farrell:So our driver left their home 10
Chris Farrell:o'clock the previous day, 10 o'clock pm.
Chris Farrell:Drove through the night, hit a snow
Chris Farrell:squall, went about 50 ft off the
Chris Farrell:highway, called himself a tow truck,
Chris Farrell:got winched out, continued up north,
Chris Farrell:picked the gentleman up, drove him
Chris Farrell:down to Boston, called in to say,
Chris Farrell:Chris, I need a front end alignment.
Chris Farrell:And, uh, About a mirror
Chris Farrell:replaced on the van.
Chris Farrell:We fixed it for him and we went home.
Chris Farrell:So, when I say everyone understands
Chris Farrell:the mission, that is, that is truly
Chris Farrell:the definition of the mission.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Yes, indeed.
Chris Farrell:Yes, indeed.
Chris Farrell:Kind of sounds like a Florida
Chris Farrell:driver need not apply, but
Chris Farrell:maybe that's just me.
Chris Farrell:Oh, goodness.
Chris Farrell:And we don't do good in snow.
Chris Farrell:That a wonderful example.
Chris Farrell:Thank you so much.
Chris Farrell:Well, we, this has been, thank you so
Chris Farrell:much for spending this time with us.
Chris Farrell:Yeah.
Chris Farrell:This has been absolutely wonderful.
Chris Farrell:We're excited to, , promote, and give
Chris Farrell:you a little bit of extra exposure.
Chris Farrell:I think you got some really
Chris Farrell:wonderful, I wanted to congratulate
Chris Farrell:you again, both Mm-Hmm.
Chris Farrell:on the, uh, the TD Bank Takeover and
Chris Farrell:the, you know, the publicity from that
Chris Farrell:and the well deserved recognition.
Chris Farrell:Mm-Hmm.
Chris Farrell:that was awesome.
Chris Farrell:Thank you.
Chris Farrell:Thank very much.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: That video.
Chris Farrell:on your website is, , is fabulous.
Chris Farrell:Really wonderful . Yeah.
Chris Farrell:Everybody wishes They had that.
Chris Farrell:They did a good job and,
Chris Farrell:uh, the folks that I had asked, you
Chris Farrell:know, for the driving staff to be in
Chris Farrell:it and, again, kind of open invitation,
Chris Farrell:they took to it and, and during the
Chris Farrell:shoot, the gentleman in the beginning
Chris Farrell:of the video making his coffee, um, you
Chris Farrell:know, he had asked the film crew, what
Chris Farrell:do you, what do you hope to capture?
Chris Farrell:And they were outside in his driveway
Chris Farrell:and they said, well, we want to kind
Chris Farrell:of get a day in the life of a driver.
Chris Farrell:He said, it's going to be really hard
Chris Farrell:to do that from outside of my house.
Chris Farrell:Why don't you guys come in?
Chris Farrell:I'm about to have a coffee.
Chris Farrell:So, you know, just kind of
Chris Farrell:the, the personal aspect.
Chris Farrell:He understood, again, the mission,
Chris Farrell:what we were trying to accomplish.
Chris Farrell:And, uh, just a good
Chris Farrell:guy, good guy overall.
Chris Farrell:And, uh, fortunate to
Chris Farrell:have him as well as me.
Chris Farrell:All the employees here.
Chris Farrell:So it was a good video.
Chris Farrell:They did a great job.
Chris Farrell:The production quality was fantastic.
Chris Farrell:It was overwhelming.
Chris Farrell:Actually, the whole experience.
Chris Farrell:And what we, what we really hope to
Chris Farrell:accomplish from that is yes, it's
Chris Farrell:great for alternative transportation,
Chris Farrell:but we want to call to attention the
Chris Farrell:industry and the fact that non-emergency
Chris Farrell:medical transportation is out there
Chris Farrell:and tying it back to the family aspect.
Chris Farrell:It is a growing issue and challenge.
Chris Farrell:Where mom or dad are aging, they have
Chris Farrell:a medical appointment, and, you know,
Chris Farrell:siblings and children and siblings are
Chris Farrell:saying who's going to take mom, who's
Chris Farrell:going to take dad, don't worry about it,
Chris Farrell:just call alternative transportation,
Chris Farrell:let our family take care of yours,
Chris Farrell:we'll make sure they get there, you
Chris Farrell:can go to work, I promise you they're
Chris Farrell:going to have the best drivers, the
Chris Farrell:best vehicles, and we'll take care of
Chris Farrell:them like they're our own, because,
Chris Farrell:I think Uncle Sam uses us sometimes.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Having been there, I
Chris Farrell:get it and I agree and there were
Chris Farrell:times when, later on, um, my mother
Chris Farrell:was in assisted living and it got to
Chris Farrell:where it wasn't safe for us to try to
Chris Farrell:get her in and out of a vehicle, um,
Ed Farrell:No,
Ed Farrell:you cannot.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: We, we needed
Ed Farrell:somebody that was trained
Ed Farrell:and had the right equipment.
Ed Farrell:Yeah.
Ed Farrell:So, um, I, you know, my hat's off
Ed Farrell:to you guys for what you're doing.
Ed Farrell:Yeah.
Ed Farrell:Well, I'm getting older,
Ed Farrell:you know, and I kind of figured that,
Ed Farrell:um, looking forward, this is a forward
Ed Farrell:thinking project so that this business
Ed Farrell:gets good enough, you know, if I
Ed Farrell:need it, I'll be, I'll be all set.
Ed Farrell:John and Connie: That's right.
Ed Farrell:Maybe they'll give you your own driver.
Chris Farrell:I don't know.
Chris Farrell:I don't I don't know about that.
Chris Farrell:John and Connie: Alright.
Chris Farrell:Well, awesome.
Chris Farrell:Thank you so much again.